Sangsoon Kim

Regional Director General Central & South America Head Office Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA)

Sangsoon Kim is the Regional Director General for Central & South America Head Office of KOTRA in South Korea. He served in public service for about 30 years, supporting trade and investment of South Korea.

In 1992, he entered KOTRA. He was the Director General for KOTRA Panama (2010-2014), and KOTRA Buenos Aires (2016-2019), and returned to Korea as the Director General for KOTRA Support Center, Incheon(2019-2020). Before coming to Mexico, he worked as the Director General for Information System Innovation Department(2020-2021), taking the responsibility of KOTRA’s information innovation, and planification of the development of KOTRA’s Big Data platform service. This year, he became the Regional Director General of the South and Central America Head Office of KOTRA, looking over 12 KOTRA Offices in Latin America and Caribbean region.

He holds a Master’s degree in Information Management from Syracuse University(USA), and MBA from Korea University(South Korea). Graduated Sungkyunkwan University(South Korea) with Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration.