Rodrigo Maluf

Vice Minister of Investment and Exports, Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay

Rodrigo was appointed on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, as Vice Minister of the Investment and Export Network (REDIEX) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC).

Until mid-August 2023, he served as director of ‘Eje Uno’, where he structured and managed private capital investments. He also held the positions of president of the Paraguayan-Chile Chamber of Commerce (CAPACHI); Director of the Federation of  hambers of Commerce of Paraguay (FEDECAPY) and Founding Director of the Angel Investors Network of Paraguay (RIAP).

He is a Commercial Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Scientific Administration from the Adolfo Ibáñez University of Chile. He specializes in attracting foreign direct investment, asset management, real estate, industrial and service projects, among others