Gabriel Yorio González

Undersecretary of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico

Gabriel Yorio serves as Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico. Prior to his present position, he served as Head of the Public Credit & International Affairs Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico.

Mr. Yorio has held a number of diverse positions in international and national institutions. On the international field, he served as Public Sector Specialist at The World Bank, where he participated in several projects in more than 10 countries.

Before that, Mr. Yorio was appointed Deputy Director of Technical and Financial Assistance and Financial Advisory Manager, both at the National Bank for Infrastructure and Public Services (BANOBRAS). He also served as Director of Public Debt, Director of Funds, Operations and Securities Custody, at the Ministry of Finance in the Mexico City Government.

Gabriel Yorio holds a B.A. in Economics from the Technological Institute and Superior Studies of Monterrey (Tecnológico de Monterrey), an M.A. in Economics from El Colegio de México, and an M.A. in Policy Management from Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy.